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Cauvery Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital

Principal Details

Prof (Dr). Ramachandra S. Nisargi M.D (Ayu), PG. Dip.Yoga, Ph. D (Ayu)
Full Name
Dr. Ramachandra S. Nisargi
Date of Birth
19th Dec. 1972
09480441972, 07703948437
Total of 22 years of teaching out of which 15 Years of teaching in the Department of Kayachikitsa
Total 06 years of administration experience.
Residential Address
# 619, New Kantharaj Urs Road, Kuvempunagar, Mysuru, Karnataka – 570023
Marital Status
Area of Interest
Administration, Teaching, Clinical Practice, Research & Development

Principle aim of Professional life is to strive to make the quality of life of the humanity better, using my knowledge in Ayurveda & Yoga.


Ph.D(2013 – 2015):

Ph.D – Kayachikitsa at I.P.G.T. & R. A, GUJARAT AYURVEDA UNIVERSITY,

Jamnagar, Gujarat.

Post Graduation (1997 – 2000):M. D (Ayu) Kayachikitsa Speciality, GAMC, Mysore, Affiliated to R.G.U.H.S Bengaluru, Karnataka.
PG Dip. in Yoga(2009):Annamalai University, Chidambaram
Under Graduation (1991 – 1996):

B.A.M.S, From DGM Ayurvedic Medical College Gadag, Affiliated to Karnataka University


Internship (1997):

One year, compulsory rotation based Internship

done at Government Civil Hospital and Government Ayurveda Dispensary.

P.U.C:Kittel Science College Dharwad.









JSSAMC, Mysore

25/1/2001 to


8 years



JSSAMC, Mysore

31/12/2008 to


5 years





Jamnagar, Gujarat

19/12/2013 to


2 years



Hillside AMC,


4/1/2016 to


9 months



SDMIA, Bengaluru

24/09/2016 to


8 months




SGT, University,


19/6/2017 to





Bapuji Ayurveda Medical College, Challakere

01/09/2018 to


01 year



Sri Kalidasa Ayurveda Medical College,Badami, Bagalkote Dist.


to 06/12/2022

03 years


Principal / Medical Superintendent

Cauvery Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital Mysuru

01/03/2023 to till date


Dissertation work details:

1. M. D – Kayachikitsa

(1997- 2000)


“The Effect Of Lekhana Basti In The Management

Of Sthoulya”




Dr. S. G. Mangalagi, M.D (Ayu) Head Dept. of Kayachikitsa

G.A.M.C Mysuru




Dr (Mrs). Naseema Akhtar, M.D (Ayu)

Asco. Professor

  G.A.M.C Mysuru

2. Ph.D –




“A Clinical Comparitive Study of Shilajatu Vataka

and Gokshuradi guggulu in the Management of Diabetic Polyneuropathy


Dr. Alankruta R. Dave, M.D(Ayu), Ph.D, M.R.A.V (Delhi)

I/C Head, Dept. of Kayachikitsa

I.P.G.T. R. A, G A U, Jamnagar



  1. Co-authour of the book entitled “Daily Yogic Practices” in 2014
  2. Ramachandra Nisargi, Mythrey R.C, “The Effect of Lekhana basti in the management of Sthoulya” I.J.A.M 2012.3(2), 104-112
  3. Ramachandra Nisargi, Mythrey R.C, Shreevatsa, “New Horizon on

Aetiopathogenesis of AIDS” International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 2012, 3(5) ISSBN 2230 – 8407

  1. Ramachandra S. Nisargi, Mythrey R.C, Shreevatsa, “Water is an Elixir of Life”,IJRAP 3(6) Nov-Dec 2012
  2. Ramachandra Nisargi, Mythrey R.C, Geetha kumara, Shreevatsa,”A Comparitive Clinical study on Vicharchika Vis-à-vis Allergic Contact Dermatitis, IJRAP 3(4), July – August 2012
  3. Ramachandra Nisargi, Gajanana Hegde, Mythrey R. C ”Principled Methods of Aahara Vidhi In Ayurveda” National Seminar on Healthy Life Style, Published in Souvenier 6-7 April 2013
  4. Ramachandra Nisargi, Alankruta R. Dave, Harish C.R, “Pharmacognostical and phytochemical Evaluation of Shilajatu vataka – An Ayurvedic Polyherbal Formuation” IJSIT, Volume3, May-june 2014
  5. Ramachandra Nisargi, Alankruta R. Dave, Harisha C. R, Shukla V. J, ”Pharmacological and Phytochemical Evaluation of Gokshuradi guggulu – An Ayurvedic Polyherbal Formulation” IJPRA/Vol 5/Issue/2015/24 – 29
  6. Ramachandra Nisargi, Alankruta R. Dave, Harisha C. R, Shukla V. J, ”Pharmacological and Phytochemical Evaluation of Gokshuradi guggulu – An Ayurvedic Polyherbal Formulation” IJPRA/Vol 5/Issue/2015/24 –29,2014
  7. Ramachandra S. Nisargi, Mythrey R.C, and Karthikeya Prasad, A Clinical Study To Evaluate The Effect Of Guduchi Sidda Ksheera Basti In Osteoporosis, Ayushdhara/ Vol 2/Issue 4/ July-August

Poster presentation:

  1. Poster presentation entitled “Asanas and their utility”in “National workshop for Development of Life style Guidelines Of Ayurveda for Rationalization and standardization of Health Promotion” under the activity of WHO Collaborating Centre for Traditional Medicines (Ayurveda) held during 21st to 23rd March, 2014 at IPGT & RA, Jamnagar
  1. Poster presentation entitled “Rutucharya – A regimen to take care of Seasonal diseases” in “Samaagama: Converging Paths”- National Conference on Allpathy & Ayurveda, held on 12th & 13th 2014 at Senate Bhavan, University of Mysuru

Seminar and Workshops:

  1. Attended a Symposium Entitled “The Dawn of Silver Rays on Amavata” Organised by GAMC, Bellary, March 2001
  2. Attended a “State level Symposium on Shotha”, Organnised by GAMC, Mysuru, July 2001
  3. Attended a M. E in “Genetics”, Organised by Dept. Anatomy JSS Medical College, Mysuru, 7th July 2003
  4. Attended a C.M.E on “Pakshaghata” organized by Dept. of Post Graduate Studies in Kayachikitsa, GAMC, Mysuru, 2nd March 2003
  5. Attended a C.M.E on “Biostatistical Reasoning Principles in Medicine and Public Health”, conducted by JSS Medical College, Mysuru, 25th June 2004
  6. Attended a “3rd National Ayurveda Congress”, organized by Cholayil Ayurvedic Health Academy at Tagore Centenary Theatre Thiruvanantpuram, on 21 – 22nd 2004
  7. Attended a National Conference on Ayurvedic Perspective of Joint Disorders, organized by GAMC, Mysuru 20, 21st 2004
  8. Actively participated in CCIM Workshop on Ayurvedic Education, conducted at Ayurveda College, Sulur,Coimbatore, 14th – 15th 2005
  9. Attended a “National Conference on GERIATRICS – An Ayurvedic Perspective” organized by GAMC, Mysuru, 13th – 14th 2009
  10. Attended a C.M.E in “Pharmacovigilance for Ayurveda, Siddha & Unani Systems” held on 25th October 2010, at SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan
  11. Attended a C.M.E On “Medovaha Sroto Vikaras” organized by GAMC, Mysuru on 21st – 22nd 2011
  12. Attended a “International Conference on Yoga, Naturopathy and Arogya Expo – 2012” organised by Dept. of AYUSH, Government of Karnataka, on 10th to 12th Feb. 2012
  13. Attended a M.E – “DRISHTI” Organised by Dept. of P.G Studies in Ayurveda Siddhanta, GAMC, Mysuru, 28th2012
  14. Attended a “Global Ayurveda Festival” – Kerala held at Kanakakunnu Palace, Thiruvantapura, Kerla, from 9th to 14th 2012
  15. Attended a “International Congress on Ayurvedic Concepts and Treatment of Malignant Disorders”, organized by S.D.M College of Ayurveda, Kuthpady, Udupi on 15th – 16th 2012
  16. Attended a National Seminar on “Panchakarma – A Conteporary Approach” organized by Dept. of Panchakarma, I.P.G.T & R.A, Jamnagar, during 20th 21st July 2015
  17. Actively participated during the programme o Unmet Potentials of Ayurveda in Diabetes and Obesity, held on 28th2014
  18. Participated in “Samaagama: Converging Paths”- National Conference on Allopathy & Ayurveda, held on 12th & 13th2014 at Senate Bhavan, University of Mysuru

Other Achievements:

  1. Has been appointed   to   the    foundation   membership    of    the steering committee of SGT University Bioethics Unit of the UNESCO chair in Bioethics
  1. Received a Certificate of Appreciation for participating in the “Yogathon Challenge” and Completing 108 rounds of Surya Namaskara, on world Health day, April 7th 2012, from The Art of Living, held at
  1. A certificate of Appreciation for the contribution in National Workshop for “Development of Life Style Guidelines of Ayurveda for Rationalization and Standardization of Health Promotion” under the activity of WHO Collaborating Centre for Traditional Medicines (Ayurveda) held during 21st to 23rd 2014 at IPGT & RA, Jamnagar
  2. Served as member of Review committee of the “Journal of Pharmaceutical and scientific Innovation” (JPSI, ISSN; 2277- 4572), 2013
  3. Received a Certificate of Appreciation from Gujarat Ayurved University and District Panchayat Dwaraka, for actively attended the “SWINE FLU PREVENTIVE UKALA” distribution Camp held on 3rd – 7th March 2014
  4. Served as member BOS (PG) of RGUHS Bangaluru for 3 years (2012-2015)
  5. Given talk on National television, on “Obesity and its management
  6. Efficiently trained in Yoga under K. Raghavendra Pai an eminent international personality
  7. Participated as Guest speaker in Panchakarma Training Programme for Group ‘D’ Staff, held during 14th to 18th2010 at JSS Ayu.Medical College Mysuru
  8. Participated as Resource person in NRHM Panchakarma Training Programme for AYUSH Doctors, conducted by JSS Ayu. Medical College Mysuru from 15/3/2012 to 29/3/2012
  9. Given Guest Lecture on “Digestive disorders and their Management” held at Vanita Sadana, Krishnmurthy Puram, Mysuru on 22nd 2009
  10. Given talks on All India Radio, Mysore on many topics of Ayurveda
  11. Appointed as chairman of the BOS Committee of FIMS, SGT University, Gurgaon 30/8/2017
  12. Appointed as member of BOS Committee of college of Pharmacy, SGT University, Gurgaon 31/8/2017
  13. Appointed as member of the Academic council of the SGT University Gurgaon, 20/8/2017
  14. Served as Academic Council member of the RGUHS Bengaluru, Karnataka, 2021
Chair Person/ Co-chair Person/ Guest Speaker
  1. Participated as Co- Chair Person and Guest Speaker in National Seminar On “Emerging Issues of Ayurvedic Education & Health Care – Way Forward”, On 28/8 /2017, at Hotel Hans, Connaught Place.
Specialist consultancy;

Special consultant at Dhanya Ayurveda Clinic and therapeutic Yoga Centre, Mysuru.

Publications; Author/Co author

  1. Daily Yogic Practices —} MTR Publications,
  2. Text book related to Kayachikitsa –under process

1) Prof (Dr). Alankruta R. Dave M. D (Ayu), Ph.D, MRAV (Delhi) 

Head, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, P. G. T & R. A, GAU, Jamnagar, Gujarat.  Mob – 09824171817

2) Prof(Dr).N Anjaneyamurthy MD (Ayu) Rtd. Joint Director(Ayush), Bangalore Mob – 09342681241

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